September 21, 2007

The end......

Never Thought I would say this...
The never ending drama in my life is officially OVER today...
You guys can be rest assured that it has finally come to an end..
I would probably miss it... but everything happens for a reason...
An ending... is towards a NEW beggining!!!!


zewt said...

whatever the reason... hope you're happy with it. but dont delete this blog ya... leave it as a legacy.

MissSHopaHolic said...

i'm not ending the blog laaaa... i'm ending the topic of Kacang!!! hahahahahah......

Maverick SM said...

Miss Shopaholic,

Don't scare ur fans lah... we're so afraid...thank god you are ending kacang only

Maverick SM said...


I thought you said it was just a joke. It's 3 months, you haven't wrote anything.

Please come back to this cyber world; we all miss you.